Colchester NDP – 27th January 2019

Team Triumph at Colchester

Some medallists from Colchester 27th January 2019

With 11 medalists, a trio of individual wins and a team gold, our jumpers celebrated a wonderful trip to the second Regional NDP event last Sunday.

Charlie O’Brien and Anna Gray jumped really well to win their events; Anna despite taped fingers having had an argument with a door just minutes beforehand.

Holly Bailes barely moved from the centre as she competed really neatly, deservedly winning the NDP 2 event for 11-12 year olds.  Holly was joined on the podium by teammate Maisie Waller who pushed her very close to take silver.

Tommy Collins and Jessica Pheby both won silvers in the Club events for 9-10 year olds. Barney Saggers also secured silver at NDP6, the highest regional level, for more experienced jumpers.

Bethan Mapes scored highly at NDP5 and won bronze, as did Tilly With who was equally effective in NDP4. Tilly, joined by Rachael Davison and Anna Bayley, was also awarded a team gold.

Qualifiers to Regional Compulsory Final

Club members Emma Zeffie, Kaitlyn Lowry, Lowrie O’Brien, Sydney Ballard, Kelsey Hurst and Katarina Jones also achieving qualifying scores for March’s Regional Finals. With Ellie Gray and Heidi Hodgson-Wild each having one very pleasing routine in their first outing at NDP1, it was quite a day!


Many thanks to those parents and members who officiated on the day. Cliona, Sue D, Jo, Sue M, Abbie and Dave and also to coaches Paul, Dave, Jo & Chris.

Full results can be found here: