Basic skills
This section is based on some handouts developed for schools’ coaching and addresses technique for basic skills only. Please bear in mind that these pages are intended as an addition to formal coaching sessions not as a substitute – nevertheless pages available at present are:
- Basic bounces – how to stop safely and bounce accurately;
- Basic shapes – tuck, pike & straddle;
- Basic twisting – setting up a good twist;
- Basic seat landings – seat drop to swivel hips;
- Basic back landings – back bouncing, flat backs and back landings;
- Basic front landings – hands & knees to front, and front landing.
A quick word about the language used here – these various ‘Landings’ always used to be known as ‘Drops’. The use of the word Drop has been actively discouraged now for several years, though, since it has a negative feel to it. Landing feels as though you are in more control.
Underpinning all these skills, of course, are Newton’s Laws about which you may also want to learn more.