

It is not Brentwood Trampoline Club’s wish or intent to become a universal resource or a portal, simply to provide a source of useful information about the club and sport for its members and those who wish to find out more about us. The following is not, therefore, an exhaustive list of good trampolining sites of which there are very many, most of which can be found from the sites listed here. The links are sorted between:

  • Trampoline resources – where we have found useful information before;
  • Brentwood – links about the area we’re based; and
  • Other sporting links.

Trampoline Resources

The following are the links we most use to find out what is happening in the world of trampolining:

Trampoline-East – the Eastern Counties Trampoline Technical Committee website with committee minutes,
Gillingham Jumpers website is a good source of technical information.  Site managed by Martin Laws.
British Gymnastics – the official web-site for Trampoline Gymnastics.
BG Coaching resources including downloads
BG Trampoline Technical Resources
Eastern Counties Gymnastics Association – launched in March 2007 to provide a central source of information about clubs and BG organisation in the region.
Acrobatic Sports – a website with some good video clips of moves and invariable first port of call when trying to get international results.


The following links will help you learn a little more about where we are and where we train.

Brentwood School – our training venue
Brentwood Borough Council website including a wealth of information about the facilities and services they provide including sports-related.
Wikipedia – Brentwood’s entry in the online encyclopaedia!

Other Sporting Links

Mind Tools
 – look under Skills area for Blog material.