Competitions take much organisation in order to achieve the organised chaos we see every time. Although the competitors may seem to be milling around in some random order (and sometimes are), they all have their own place in the structure and there are numerous officials involved in guiding them through the day towards the awards ceremony. These sections address all aspects of this in the following areas:
- Introduction to competitions - this page will tell you everything about how
competitions work and how to get the most from them. Main headings within
this section are:
- Introduction
- Planning
- Roles
- Judging (& how to get the best from judges)
- British Gymnastics' competition structure which will tell you how this relates to national technical priorities, and how coaching practices and development are interlocked into this;
- Deductions - a table of form points used by Form Judges to determine how well each move is performed. Also a useful resource for coaches in determining how moves ought to look to a judge to achieve optimum marks.