Club Dress Policy
The Brentwood Trampoline Club Dress Policy exists to ensure that all participants of trampolining activities can do so comfortably and safely in accordance with BG’s guiding principles. It is intended to protect performers, coaches and spotters from risk.
Training Wear
All participants (performers, coaches and spotters) should wear suitable SPORTS CLOTHING such as leotard, track suit, joggers, tee-shirts etc... whether they are on or off the trampoline. Socks (two pairs are recommended) or trampoline shoes are essential on the trampoline. Any clothing that is excessively loose or ill-fitting is not permitted. Jeans, buckles, prominent zips and buttons or other raised adornments are not allowed since they are liable to either damage the trampolines or the performer if they catch in the beds or the coach if working on support moves. Participants should NOT wear 'fashion' items such as jeans, skirts, long cardigans to training (including during the warm-up period).
Long hair must be tied back and restrained from flying in the face. No glitter sprays or other glitter substances must be applied. Long nails must be trimmed to a safe length unlikely to cause distress if caught in the trampoline mesh.
Footwear worn before and after training, and to competitions should be sensible and facilitate safe movement around the floor whilst warming up or assisting coaches with mats or other similar activities. Participants must wear suitable sports shoes such as trainers or plimsolls, and should NOT wear 'fashion' items such as Ugg boots or slip-on shoes (including during the warm-up period).
Beginners are encouraged to wear long sleeves and have legs covered (leggings or track suit bottoms) to avoid grazed elbows and knees.
The club has a range of suitable clothing available for order - this range can be seen here.
Competition wear
In addition to training wear requirements, which still apply, competitors have to wear club leotards at all competitions once competing at grade G or above although it is preferred that even grade H competitors wear them. Also to promote the club and 'team spirit' we request that all competitors wear a club tracksuit to all competitions which can be purchased using the link above or loaned from the club for the day.
Read more about the club leotards here.
Jewellery & body piercings
All jewellery and body piercing should be removed for trampolining competition and training and preferably left at home to avoid risk of loss. Taped jewellery will no longer be permitted under any circumstance and all body piercing should be removed, even if it is under the leotard. This also applies to spotters as well, who, as a matter of course, should be in suitable sports clothing. BG competition rules state that:
- Chairs of Judges at competitions are asked to follow this rule very strictly.
- Clubs need to speak to their performers about this, as children with ‘newly pierced ears will have to remove them if they intend to compete. It is the responsibility of the club coach/team manager to ensure this rule is followed.