Brentwood Trampoline - Centre of Excellence®
CASC Registered - 04613
BG - 41492

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Child Welfare & Child Protection Matters

Child Protection logoAs a club we have always taken our commitments to safeguarding the children in our care seriously.  Increasingly this care is being subject to regulation and, accordingly, our coaches and volunteers have been attending relevant courses and the club has adopted the British Gymnastics Child Protection Policy.  Dave Kingaby & Celia Badley have been appointed Welfare Officers, Allison Marshall is in-training and will also take on this role once she has attended the required course with BG.  All Welfare Officers contact details are available on our Notice Board.

This does not exonerate others involved with the club from playing their part - as we develop as a club and ensure compliance with our GymMark accreditation all will be expected to play their parts in identifying organisational and operational weaknesses and helping us to resolve them.  Your part might simply be to ensure that your child arrives with the right clothes and frame of mind (and a non-fizzy drink in a suitable sports bottle) to attend the session.

If you have any concerns about Child Welfare/Protection, including concerns about possible poor practice, abuse, bullying or abuse of positions of trust, then you can raise them either with one of the Welfare Officers or any of the coaches or committee members present at sessions who will ensure that it is taken seriously and dealt with in accordance with the BG policy.