Competition Leotards
For those that have not seen the new leotards they can be seen in this picture being modelled by Thea and Joe; all competitors at Grade G and higher are expected to wear the club leotard at competitions.
These leotards will be manufactured locally by Star Leotards and will be made to order; prices are:
- girls sizes 22” – 32” are £45 and 34” – 38” are £48, matching scrunchie is £2.25.
- boys 24” – 32” are £23.95 and 34” – 40” are £24.95 - plus £5 for the embroidery.
Boys will also need 'whites' with toe-loops; Milano stirrup pants cost as follows sizes 26” – 32” £21, and 34”+ £23. We are in discussion with Star leotards about also making these for members.
If you want to obtain a club leotard please contact Star Leotards directly to arrange a fitting and to place an order – please note that the sizes are nominal sizes only and all leotards will be made to order only after a fitting so please do allow time for your orders to be fulfilled. Star Leotards can be contacted either by email or telephone, or visit their website as follows:
- Email - [email protected]
- Telephone - 01277 658579
- Website -
Training leotards, trampoline socks & shoes
Training leotards can be purchased from a wide range of suppliers including Star Leotards who regularly attend our home competitions. If you are after specialist socks or shoes then Dancemania carry a good range and offer a 'no hassle returns' policy with competitive prices.