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Hitchin Grading H-D, 10th June 2012

Highlights are.

Their detailed results were: 

Class Name Set Voluntary Preliminaries Final Overall
Frm Posn  Total Total Posn  Total Total Posn
O17 F E Nicola Miller 23.10 2 22.9+2.6 25.50 48.60 3   48.60 3
O17 F E Ainslie Plews 22.00 9 22.1+2.6 24.70 46.70 7   46.70 7
O17 F E Becky Tompkinson 22.90 4 21+2.6 23.60 46.50 9   46.50 9
O17 F G Victoria Patterson 21.50 5 21.8+0 21.80 43.30 5   43.30 5
O19 F D Emma Frost 22.40 1 21.4+5.1 26.50 48.90 1 22.2+5.1 27.30 76.20 1
U11 M G Ben Harris 21.70 5 22.1+0 22.10 43.80 4   43.80 4
U11 F H Bethany Allkins 20.90 8 20.6+0 20.60 41.50 7   41.50 7
U11 F H Charlotte Sparkes 22.60 * 2 17.8+0 17.80 40.40 * 9   40.40 9
U11 F G Mia Gray 22.60 4 21.8+0 21.80 44.40 9   44.40 9
U11 F G Erin Wells 21.80 14 21.7+0 21.70 43.50 13   43.50 13
U11 F G Keira Sparkes 22.10 * 12 6.6+0 6.60 28.70 20   28.70 20
U13 F D Georgia Tyrrell  (Qual Nat C) 23.20 1 23.6+4 27.60 50.80 1 23.4+4 27.40 78.20 1
U13 F E Tegan Roycroft 21.80 5 22+2.6 24.60 46.40 5   46.40 5
U13 F E Lauren Bembrick-Taylor 15.20 7 22.5+3.8 26.30 41.50 7   41.50 7
U13 F F Ramiyah Kendall 20.90 6 21.6+1.9 23.50 44.40 5   44.40 5
U13 F G Ella Sandle  (Qual Reg F) 22.60 * 8 23.3+0 23.30 45.90 * 4   45.90 4
U13 F G Zara Phillips 21.90 * 14 21.6+0 21.60 43.50 * 16   43.50 16
U13 F G Rachael Davison 21.60 * 16 20.7+0 20.70 42.30 * 19   42.30 19
U15 M F Eitan Robinson 6.90 3 22.6+2.1 24.70 31.60 3   31.60 3
U15 F H Alissa Gray 20.50 2 20.8+0 20.80 41.30 2   41.30 2
U15 F E Olivia Watson 22.60 4 20.9+3.8 24.70 47.30 4   47.30 4
U15 F E Katie Cremer 21.90 7 21.8+2.6 24.40 46.30 6   46.30 6
U15 F E Charlotte Lal 21.90 7 21.5+2.6 24.10 46.00 7   46.00 7
U15 F E Lauren Skelly 20.30 10 22.7+2.6 25.30 45.60 8   45.60 8
U15 F E Monica Dowling 22.00 6 20.3+2.6 22.90 44.90 10   44.90 10
U15 F F Georgina Davis 21.70 4 21.6+1.9 23.50 45.20 * 4   45.20 4
U15 F F Ellie Moreton 20.70 6 20.5+1.9 22.40 43.10 6   43.10 6
U15 F G Georgina Henwood 21.70 12 21.9+0 21.90 43.60 11   43.60 11
U15 F G Kaiya Dobson 20.20 19 20.8+0 20.80 41.00 16   41.00 16
U17 F E Emma Brereton 22.10 6 22.8+2.6 25.40 47.50 5   47.50 5
U17 F F Alice Gibbs 21.10 2 21.2+2.6 23.80 44.90 2   44.90 2
U19 F D Abbie Jo Goldsmith 22.10 4 21.9+4.1 26.00 48.10 4 21.9+4.1 26.00 74.10 4
U9 F H Georgina Yardy 21.80 * 5 21.4+0 21.40 43.20 * 5   43.20 5
U9 F H Isobel Cross 21.50 8 20.8+0 20.80 42.30 7   42.30 7



A mixed set of results with slightly fewer than normal achieving individual podium places, the over 15 girls winning a hotly contested team award, and three achieved qualifying scores, unusually a number of our competitors this time 'had a bad day at the office' and missed out on their targets.

Group Name Set Vol SubT Prelim Final SubT Final Place
U11 Girls G Lauren Bembrick-Taylor 22.2 (4) 22.2 + 0 22.2 44.4 (4)       4/13
U13 Girls G Holly Perry 22.1 (3) 22.8 + 0 22.8 44.9 (3)       3/17
  Tegan Roycroft 21.7 (7) 20.5 + 0 20.5 42.2 (10)       10/17
U15 Girls G Rebecca Martin 20.0 (16) 0 0 20       18/18
O15 Girls G * Vanessa Lewis 24.2 (1) α 24.4 + 0 24.4 48.6 (1) α       1/29  QE
  Becky Tompkinson 21.5 (5) 22.9 + 0 22.9 44.4 (3) α       3/29
  Gemma Pratt 20.2 (16) 20.3 + 0 20.3 40.5 (17)       17/29
  Victoria Patterson 19.0 (21) 18.2 + 0 18.2 37.2 (24)       24/29
U13 Girls F * Faith Everett 22.9  (1) 22.7 + 1.9 24.6 47.5 (2)       2/6  QE
  Kendra Sherlock 22.2 (4) 22.9 + 1.9 24.8 47.0 (3) α       3/6
  Georgia Tyrrell (corrected) 22.1 (6) 22.5 + 1.9 24.4 46.5 (4)       4/6
  Alexandra Bartkowiak 22.8 (2) 21.6 + 1.9 23.5 46.3 (=4)       5/6
  Georgia Tyrrell (official) 22.1 (6) 22.5 + 1.4 23.9 46.0 (6)       6/6
U13 Boys F Joe Harris 17.3 (7) 17.4 + 1.4 18.8 36.1 (6)       6/7
  Jonathan Gibbs 22.5 (4) 7.3 + 1.2 8.5 31.0 (7)       7/7
U15 Girls F Alice Gibbs 21.1 (6) 20.2 + 1.9 22.1 43.2 (6)       6/6
U15 Boys F Joseph Dulieu-Hasler 21.2 (2) 19.6 +3.3 22.9 44.1 (2)       2/2
O15 Girls F Nat Shade 20.4 (12) 22.6 + 1.8 24.4 44.8 (7)       7/14
  Charlotte Hussey 21.6 (4) 18.1 + 2.6 20.7 42.3 (12)       12/14
O15 Girls E Abbie Jo Goldsmith 17.3 (9) 21.0 + 3.4 24.4 41.7 (8) 20.5 + 3.4 23.9 65.6 7/9
  Georgia Walker 21.2 (7) 20.8 + 4.0 24.8 46.0 (5) 12.3 + 2.9 15.2 61.2 8/9
U15 Boys D Joshua Newman 24.4 (1) 24.2 + 4.3 28.5 52.9 (1) 6.5 + 3.6 10.1 63.0 1/1 QC
O19 Girls D Emma Frost 21.2 (1) 20.5 + 5.5 26 47.2 (1) 20.3 + 5.1 25.4 72.6 1/3

☺ The tariff given by the difficulty judge on the day was 1.9 for this repeated set routine, this appears to have been mis-recorded.  An enquiry has been raised.

α New Personal Best score
* Team winners