British Gymnastics Trampoline Code of Practice
Brentwood Trampoline Club's policies in respect of trampolining, health and safety are all based on the British Gymnastics Trampoline Code of Practice. This code is equally relevant to coaches, committee members, performers and parents of performers and all are strongly encourage to read it.
The Code
The British Gymnastics (BG) Code of Practice illustrates what BG recommends as Best Coaching Practice for Trampolining.
British Gymnastics promotes current Best Coaching Practice through its coach education programme and also provides Codes of Practice and Ethics through the Health Welfare and Safety Policy Document.
This document is for all those who coach/teach and participate in trampolining. A safety poster is also available from BG and this should be displayed prominently.
Trampolining is potentially dangerous. The purpose of this Code of Practice is to help both participants and coaches operate safely. It is recommended that all equipment is inspected annually.
- Trampolining should always be supervised by a qualified BG coach/teacher.
- The coach /organiser is responsible for assessing the suitability of the environment.
- Coaches/Teachers may, during the course and post course guided learning, practise coaching those elements covered on the course, under the guidance of a Mentor Coach. However, they may not prepare participants for competition until they are fully qualified at that level.
- Coaches/Teachers should be aware of emergency procedures for trampolining at the facility.
- When using more than one trampoline, coaches should carefully assess the
- The age, experience, varying abilities, number and discipline of the participants
- Their own qualifications and experience
- Their ability to observe, advise, support and respond to the difficulties of anyone in the trampolining area.
- It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure that the person sliding in the push-in mat, both in training and competition, if not a qualified coach, is trained, experienced, familiar with the performer and of sufficient maturity.
The Hall
- Height – at least 5m is recommended for recreational use and a minimum of 10m is required for National and International competitions.
- Position of trampoline/s – away from fire exits or walls (unless suitably padded) and overhead or protruding structures.
- Lighting – bright and even, avoiding dazzle from sunlight
- The trampoline area:
- protected from stray balls or projectiles.
- Noise levels should be low enough for pupils to hear all instructions.
- The space under and around the trampoline/s should be clear.
- Where possible floor mats should be placed around the trampoline and end decks.
- Where possible a safety mat should be placed at each end of the trampoline
- Multi-trampoline set ups:
- The most suitable arrangement is with trampolines end to end, with a safety mat placed between the ends of the adjacent trampolines.
- Where trampolines are placed side by side they should be seperated by at least two metres or be directly touching
- Storage – trampolines should be either chained and locked or placed in a locked store.
The Trampoline
Putting Out and Putting Away the Trampoline
(The manufacturers guidelines where available should be followed)
- At least 2 trained, suitably sized persons, wearing training shoes, under the direct supervision and involvement of trained staff, coach/teacher are required.
- Great care should be taken when moving the trampoline.
- The trampoline is heavy - make sure parts such as the frame ends or the whole trampoline are moved slowly.
- Putting out the trampoline:
- Rotate the trampoline to horizontal by holding the inside leg and the outside leg together. Place the inside leg on the floor carefully.
- Use good handling technique when removing the roller stands and store them away from the working area.
- Fully support the first end whilst lowering into place and insert leg braces. The second end is under tension and needs greater care when pulling down. Beware pulling on the leg braces before first checking the security of the Allen screws.
- Beware trapping the fingers in the hinges or between chains and the legs.
- Beware of all moving parts on lift/lower roller stands.
- Putting away the trampoline:
- Release the first end and control the folding as it may be under high tension. Again confirm the tightness of Allen screws before using leg braces.
- Keep the elbows/forearms away from the gap between folding ends and frame whilst lowering under control.
- Insert the roller stands fully before handling.
- Push the trampoline from the end where the bed is rounded and no metal frame showing, until vertical.
Safety check before use
- Beds for:
- Tears and areas on solid beds that have worn thin.
- Loose stitching or breaks in the webbing of webbed beds which might allow toes to be caught or uneven landings to be made.
- Uneven tension shown by the centre/metre box red lines not being straight. This is caused by springs being of uneven length or missing or broken anchor bars on the edge of the bed.
- High tension caused by excessive shrinkage of the bed.
- Springs or cables to ensure they are all in place with the hooks pointing downwards and arranged so there is even tension on the bed. Stretched springs or cables should be replaced.
- Frame pads. Check for damage and security of pads. It is better if safety landing mats are used supported on end decks, which should be securely attached to the frame.
- Safety mats and push-in mats. Check for damage and security.
- Joints for wear, with the frame level all round and not bowed.
- Chains for security and even adjustment.
- Leg braces inserted plus Allen screws tight, rivets secure, hinge pins and T-joint fully in place.
- Roller stands for freely running and swivelling castors, wheels and hooks.
The Overhead Rig
Safety Check
- Correct position of the trampoline under the centre of the rig.
- Security of the ropes, their attachments, and the condition of elastics and attachments on bungee rigs.
- Free movement of the swivels and pulleys.
- The security of the belt.
- The ability of the supporter to hold the weight and control the descent of the pupil.
- That the coach, pupil and person controlling the push-in mat all understand their roles and are ready.
Damaged equipment should be reported to the responsible authority and taken out of use until repaired.
The Coach/Teacher duties
- Warn participants of the potential danger and give guidelines for safe practice.
- Check evidence that pupils are fit to participate, particularly after illness or injury.
- Check that pupils wear suitable sports clothing; suitable non-slip footwear (trampoline shoes or non-slip socks) if possibility of toes going through the webbing.
- Check that jewellery (including that associated with body piercings), watches etc have been removed.
- Check that hair is tied back and nails are trimmed.
- Provide trained spotters of suitable size on all sides which are not protected by alternative safety measures. The spotters should be attentive at all times. If children are too small to act as spotters other trained people of suitable size should be used.
- Only coaches (for coaching purposes) can stand/sit on the frame or end decks.
- Allow a maximum of 1 - 1½ minutes, 4 or 5 attempts at a skill or 2 routines without suitable rest.
- Ensure that drinks and food are kept well away from the trampoline area.
- Ensure no one goes underneath the trampoline, especially small children.
- Only teach new skills after assessing the readiness of the pupil by observing ability, confidence and background experience.
- Use recommended progressive practices, including manual or rig support, and push-in mats where appropriate. Pupils of suitable size and experience may be trained to assist.
- Warn pupils of the extra rebound when changing to a more powerful bed, and allow a period of acclimatisation.
- Only experienced, trained pupils of similar size should be allowed to double bounce.
- Prevent fooling around and jumping from the trampoline to the floor. Discourage jumping other than in the centre of the bed.
- Pupils should be instructed to climb on and off the trampoline with the stomach facing the trampoline. Very small children can be assisted to climb on by using a suitable padded, stable platform at the side of the trampoline.
The Trampolinist/Pupil
- Always inform the coach/teacher of any medical condition or medication, which could affect performance.
- Always inform the coach/teacher of any accident in the last 6 months which resulted in unconsciousness from a blow to the head.
- Use the trampoline only when a coach/teacher is present and has given permission.
- Wear sports clothing and non-slip footwear, tie hair back and keep nails short.
- Pay attention when spotting.
- Be attentive to the coach/teacher and attempt new skills only after progressive training and permission.
- Avoid going under or swinging under the trampoline or end-decks.
- Avoid getting involved in ‘tests of daring’.
- Avoid stepping on the bed when someone else is bouncing.
NOTE: The Code of Practice is regularly reviewed and coaches should check the BG website to ensure that they have the latest edition.