BG Award Levels
The BG award scheme addresses progress from the most basic of levels through to some quite advanced moves. They are sorted here into three basic groupings - those that reflect the Level-1 Assistant Coach syllabus (Awards 1 - 6) - these are Basic level, those requiring a Level-2 Coach (Awards 7-10) - which are Intermediate level, and those requiring a Level-3 or higher coach (Awards 11-15) - which are Advanced.
Level 1 Awards
BG Trampoline Award 1 (Pass required in 6 of 7)
- Wait in turn & show good behaviour round trampoline
- Mount/dismount to/from central position on trampoline
- Can move, or be moved around the trampoline freely
- From the centre of the trampoline initiating deliberate & controlled
movement, show at least 3 of the following:
- Lying on back & being bounced
- Standing & bouncing / rocking
- Hand and knees bouncing / rocking
- Sitting & bouncing / rocking
BG Trampoline Award 2 (Pass required in 6 of 7)
- From seat position, using arm movements, bounce
- Hand & knees bouncing
- Bounce a set number of times and stop
- Roll in the horizontal position (in control)
- ¼ turn in an upright position
- Seat drop, not returning to feet
- Show the star position
BG Trampoline Award 3 (Pass required in 6 of 7)
- Straight jumping using arms
- Puck jump
- Astride jumping
- ½ twist jump
- Star jump
- Back bouncing (with assistance)
- In a set number of jumps, show at least 2 skills
BG Trampoline Award 4 (Pass required in 6 of 7)
- Tuck jump touching below the kneecap
- Straddle jump
- Seat drop returning to feet
- Link two ½ twist jumps
- Split jumps
- Hands & knees to front landing
- Repeat a move 3 times without any intermediate jumps (swing time)
BG Trampoline Award 5 (Pass required in 6 of 7 and routine)
- 5 straight jumps, stop and stay still for 3 seconds
- Tuck jump with stretch and touch
- 'Piked' straddle jump
- Front landing on a mat
- Back landing on a mat
- Seat drop, to feet, ½ twist
- ½ twist, seat drop, to feet
- Routine: Straddle, seat landing, to feet, tuck jump, ½ twist, straight jump
BG Trampoline Award 6 (Pass required in 6 of 7 and routine)
- Seat landing, ½ twist to feet
- Seat landing, ½ twist to feet, seat landing, to feet
- ½ twist to seat landing, to feet
- Full twist
- Front landing, to feet
- Pike jump
- Forward roll
- Routine: Straddle, seat landing, to feet, tuck, ½ twist, pike, seat landing, ½ twist to feet, straight jump & stop
Level 2 Awards
In these awards only the highlighted moves require a Level 2 coach - the other moves can be safely coached by a Level 1 coach.
BG Trampoline Award 7 (Pass required in 6 of 7 and routine)
- ½ twist to seat landing, ½ twist to feet
- Seat landing, ½ twist to seat landing, to feet (swivel hips)
- Back landing to feet
- Hands & knees forward turnover to back landing, to feet
- Seat landing to hands & knees, to feet
- Seat landing, to feet, front landing, to feet
- Front landing, to feet, seat landing, to feet
- Routine: Front landing, to feet, tuck, ½ twist, straddle, seat landing, to feet, pike, full twist, straight jump & stop
BG Trampoline Award 8 (Pass required in 6 of 7 and routine)
- Seat landing, to front landing, to feet
- Front landing, to seat landing, to feet
- ½ twist to front landing, to feet
- ½ twist to back landing, to feet
- Front landing, ½ twist to feet
- Back landing, ½ twist to feet
- 5 back bounces
- Routine: Straddle, seat drop, ½ twist to feet, pike, front drop, to feet, tuck, hands & knees, forward turnover to back, to feet
BG Trampoline Award 9 (Pass required in 6 of 7 and routine)
- Front landings, piked & straight, to feet
- Back landings, piked and straight, to feet
- Front landing, to back landing, to feet
- Back landing, to front landing, to feet
- Forward ¾ turnover to back landing, to feet
- Seat landing, full twist to seat (roller), to feet
- Backward roll
- Routine: Full twist, straddle, seat landing, ½ twist to seat landing, ½ twist to feet, pike, back landing, ½ twist to feet, tuck, ½ twist
BG Trampoline Award 10 (Pass required in 6 of 8 and routine)
- Seat landing, ½ twist to back landing, to feet
- Back landing, ½ twist to back landing, to feet
- Front landing, ½ turn to front landing (½ turntable), to feet
- Hands & knees, forward turnover (t) to seat landing, feet
- Front or back landing, full twist to feet
- Full twist to back landing, to feet
- Back landing, back pull over to feet
- Front or back somersault (t)
- Routine: Back s/s (t or s), straddle, seat landing, ½
twist to seat landing, ½ twist to feet, pike, back landing, ½ twist to feet,
tuck, full twist OR
Full twist, straddle, seat landing, ½ twist to seat landing, ½ twist to feet, pike, back landing, ½ twist to feet, tuck, front s/s (t)
Level 3+ Awards
Once again, only the highlighted moves in Level 11 & 12 require a Level 3 or higher coach, other moves may be taught by a Level 2 coach (and those not involving somersault by a Level 1). Awards 13-14 really do need a Level 3 or higher coach and Level 15 certainly requires a Level 4 coach.
BG Trampoline Proficiency Award 11
Compulsory elements
- Front s/s (p)
- Tuck, front s/s (p), ½ twist x3
- Back s/s (t)
- Back s/s (t), tuck x5
- Back s/s (t), seat landing, to feet
- Back s/s straight (or piked)
- Back s/s straight (or piked), straddle x5
- ¾ front s/s (s) to back landing, ½ twist to feet, tuck x3
- ¾ front s/s (s) to back landing, to front landing
- Routine: a 3 somersault routine using somersaults linked by a single
shaped jump or twist - for example:
Back s/s (s or p), straddle, back s/s (t), ½ twist, tuck, seat landing, ½ twist to feet, full twist, front s/s (p)
Optional - 4 of the following 6 elements
- Front to back to front to back to front landing
- Back landing, back pullover to front landing
- 1½ twist jump
- Seat landing, 1½ twist to feet
- Front landing, full twist to feet
- Back landing, full twist to back landing (cat twist)
Compulsory Floor Conditioning activities
- Hold crash dive position for 10 seconds
- Crunches x20
- Dorsal raises x20 without stopping
- Basic core stability exercises (transverse abdominis & multifidus)
- Heel raises x30
Compulsory Trampoline Conditioning activities
- 10 tucks, straddle, pikes consecutively
- 10 back bounces
- 5 consecutive swivel hips with legs locked straight
BG Trampoline Proficiency Award 12
Compulsory elements
- Barani with straight legs (sl)
- Barani (sl), ½ twist, straddle x3
- Barani, seat landing
- Back s/s piked (or straight)
- Back s/s piked (or straight), tuck (or other shape) x5
- Crash dive straight
- Crash dive straight, ½ twist to feet, tuck x3
- Back s/s (t) to seat landing, ½ twist to feet
- Back s/s (t), back landing, to feet
- Back s/s (t), front s/s (p)
- Routine: A 4 somersault routine with no somersault links. To include a
barani, full twist link, for example:
Back s/s (s), straddle, barani (sl), full twist, tuck, back s/s (t) to seat, ½ twist to feet, ½ twist, pike, front s/s (p)
Optional - 4 of the following 6 elements
- ¾ back s/s to front landing (lazy back), to feet
- Back landing, back pullover ½ twist to back landing, to feet
- ½ twist to ¾ forward turnover to back landing, to feet
- Back s/s (t) to seat landing, ½ twist to feet, back s/s (t)
- Back landing, 1½ twist to feet
- Front landing, ½ twist to front landing (cruise), to feet
Compulsory Floor Conditioning activities
- 5 consecutive V sits (pike-ups)
- 10 press-ups continuous
- 30 dorsal raises without stopping
- Front support held for 30 seconds
- Dish held for 30 seconds
- Hopping x30 each foot
- Basic core stability exercises - line out balance (with arms by ears, balance on one leg with body near horizontal, show tuck position with one leg and both arms then 'line-out' with arms by sides - repeat x 3 without putting foot to floor. Then repeat with other leg.
- Holding sitting pike shape touching toes for 5 seconds
Compulsory Trampoline Conditioning activities
- 15 tucks, straddles, pikes, consecutively
- 15 straight bounces with arms held straight above head
- 5 consecutive cradles
BG Trampoline Proficiency Award 13
All tucked and piked moves are to have line-outs
Compulsory elements
- Barani (t)
- Barani (p)
- Back s/s (t), barani (t)
- Back s/s (p), barani (p)
- Back s/s (f), barani (f), tuck (or other shape) x3
- Back s/s (s), ½ twist, tuck x3
- Back s/s to back landing (t)
- Crash dive, bounce roll (t), ½ to feet
- ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, to back landing (s)
- Barani (f), back landing
- Routine: a 6 somersault routine using the back barani combination, for
Back s/s (s), barani (p), straddle, back s/s (t), barani (t), tuck, back s/s (t) to seat, ½ twist to feet, pike, front s/s (p)
Optional - 4 of the following 6 elements
- ¾ back s/s ½ twist to back landing (s)
- ¾ Barani (f) to front landing
- Double cat twist
- Corkscrew
- ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, cruise to front landing
- 3 bounce rolls (t)
Compulsory Floor Conditioning activities
- 10 consecutive V sits (pike-ups)
- 15 continuous press ups
- Twisting dorsal raises x30 continuous
- Twisting crunches x30 continuous
- Hold sitting pike shape for 10 seconds touching toes
- Handstand
- Double leg squats x10
Compulsory Trampoline Conditioning activities
- 20 tucks, pikes, straddles consecutive
- 10 consecutive cat twists or cradles
- 10 consecutive back bounces (p)
BG Trampoline Proficiency Award 14
All tucked and piked moves are to have line-outs
Compulsory elements
- Barani (s)
- Back s/s (s), back s/s (t)
- Barani (p), back s/s (p)
- Back s/s, barani, repeat in different shapes x3
- 1¼ front s/s to front landing (t), to feet (mat allowed)
- Crash dive, ball out (t), ½ twist jump
- Back s/s (f) with ½ twist
- ½ twist to crash dive, ½ twist to feet
- Full twisting front s/s (f)
- Front s/s (p), front s/s (t)
- Routine: a 7 somersault routine, for example:
Back s/s (s), barani (s), back s/s (t), straddle, back s/s (p), barani (t), back s/s (p) to seat, ½ twist to feet, pike, front s/s (p)
Optional - 4 of the following 6 elements
- Barani to back landing (f)
- Barani to back landing (f), ½ twist to front landing
- ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, cruise & duck under to back landing
- 1¼ front s/s to front landing (p) (mat allowed)
- Back s/s (t), crash dive, ball out (t)
- ¾ front s/s (s) with full twist to back landing (¾ barani with ½ twist to back landing)
Compulsory Floor Conditioning activities
- Circuit repeated twice with 30 seconds between each item containing:
- 10 consecutive V sits;
- 10 continuous press ups;
- 30 dorsal raises;
- 30 twisting crunches;
- 10 single leg squats, each leg
- Handstand held for 5 seconds
BG Trampoline Proficiency Award 15
All tucked and piked moves are to have line-outs, most of the moves and/or combinations in this award require a Level 4 coach.
Compulsory elements
- Crash dive, ball out barani (t)
- Back s/s (t), crash dive, ball out barani (p)
- Full twisting back s/s (s)
- Back s/s (f), barani (f), full twisting back s/s (s), tuck
- Rudi (s)
- 1¾ front s/s to back landing (t)
- Back s/s (s), back s/s (p) back s/s (t) x2
- ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, cody (t)
- Back s/s, (t) ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, cody (t)
- Back s/s (s), barani (s), back s/s (p), barani (p), back s/s (t), barani (t) x2
- Routine: Back s/s (s), barani (s), back s/s (p), barani (p), barani (t), back s/s (t), ¾ front s/s (s) to back landing, barani ball out (t), front s/s (p), front s/s (t) (or any routine of 5.6 tariff or more)
Optional - 4 of the following 9 elements
- ½ twist into front s/s (Arabian front)
- ½ twist into 1¼ front s/s (t or p) (mat allowed)
- Side s/s (f)
- Front kaboom to feet
- Back kaboom to feet
- Barani (f) with cruise to front landing
- ¾ back s/s (s) to front landing, full twisting cody (s)
- Triple cat twist
- Ball out to front landing (f) (mat allowed)
Compulsory Floor Conditioning activities
- Circuit repeated three times with 30 seconds between each item
- 10 consecutive V sits;
- 10 continuous squats;
- 30 dorsal raises;
- 30 twisting crunches;
- 10 single leg squats, each leg;
- 30 seconds heel raises