Competitive Approach

As a competitive club we have members competing at all levels. National competitions which could be Scotland or round the corner or on a regional basis which are rarely further away than Potters Bar or Ipswich. The system provides for Club levels as well who may compete either in internal club or Open competitions.
In all cases competitions are organised by age group and sex. If you or your child wishes to compete they will need to learn at least one routine in order to complete a compulsory “set” routine and often a “voluntary” routine (often repeating set in earlier grades or when new to a grade). Progression through the grades and age groups will be possible for most members. To find out more about competitions in general please look at our pages about competing.
Competition entries need to be in some time in advance and your child will be invited to enter if their coach believes it to be appropriate. We do not receive timings however for each group until the week before the competition! It would be helpful for you to use the download form on this website (see below) to enter your children.
Although we do not always know start-times, you can at least do some for forward planning by looking for upcoming competitions on our calendar – this lists all the dates of competitions we expect to be attending together with directions to them and links to the results once we have them.