Club Code of Conduct
The club believes that all involved with it should always show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. We encourage members to be open at all times; they should share any concerns they may have about any aspect of the club with Club Welfare Officers (see Committee for details).
As a member of Brentwood Trampoline Club please abide by the following club rules:

- Respect fellow club members and opponents.
- Behave sensibly and courteously.
- Be kind and supportive to fellow jumpers and coaches.
- Keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform your coach beforehand if you are going to be absent or late.
- Remain within the hall at all times unless given express permission to leave by your coach; absence from the hall should be for no more than sufficient time to undertake the approved activity.
- Pay any fees for training or events promptly.
- Do not climb onto, nor under, a trampoline or end deck whilst others are bouncing.
- Be attentive to your coach and attempt new skills only after progressive training and permission. Do not engage in games of “dare”.
- Treat all equipment with respect and provide coaches with reasonable assistance in setting up or putting away before and after sessions.
- Inform your coach of any injuries or illness you may have before the warm-up begins.
- Take snacks away from the trampoline. No chewing gum.
- Remain with coaches at the end of a session until collected by their parent or guardian.
- Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
- Encourage them to recognise good sportsmanship and to applaud the good performances of all. Discourage making undue fun of or belittling a gymnast for poor performance or making mistakes.
- Support the club, its coaches, and other officials and volunteers.
- Encourage your child to know the rules and participate within them.
- Discourage challenging/arguing with officials and to publicly accept their judgements.
- Ensure your child arrives promptly, in accordance with the club’s Dress Policy with plenty to drink (in a suitable sports bottle and appropriate to the activity – i.e. non-fizzy).
- Keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend sessions and of any suspected injury or ailment that might impair their performance.
- Keep the club informed of any changes of contact details, address, emergency numbers or medical conditions. You can do this with your LoveAdmin login.
- Collect your child from the hall promptly at the end of a session.
Our practice should be consistent with and reflect the British Gymnastics’ Code of Practice for Trampolining. In particular, we expect all to hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and current DBS clearance, safeguarding certificate and BG insurance cover. Please…
- Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
- Check that members are fit to participate, particularly after illness or injury.
- Warn participants of potential dangers and give guidelines for safe practice.
- Only coach skills within your qualification level, and those you are allowed to coach with supervision from a higher qualified coach who is present.
- Maintain the good behaviour of participants, modelling good practice yourself.
- Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.
- Prepare all participants physically and mentally when learning new skills.
- Use recommended progressive practices, including manual or rig support, and push-in mats where appropriate. (You may train gymnasts of suitable size and experience to assist).
- Ensure that trained spotters of suitable size are on all sides which are not protected by alternative safety measures. The spotters should be attentive at all times.
- Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers based on mutual trust and respect. Do not pressure gymnasts.
- Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) and encourage performers to value their and other gymnasts’ performances and not just results.
- Ensure that members do not over-exert themselves through too many repetitions of moves or routines without rest.
- Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events and don’t condone rule violations nor use of prohibited substances.
- Follow the appropriate guidelines set out in the BG Child Protection policy.
- Obtain prior agreement from the parent/guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere (training/ competitions) but never with a lone gymnast. Never have performers stay overnight at your home.
- Always report any accidents (seek first aid support and an accident report), incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately,
- Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express approval of the individual concerned.
These policies and procedures are designed to ensure the club will perform its duty of care to all members and enable them to enjoy their sport safely.