About Trampolining

This section of our website is quite wide-ranging and addresses issues as simple as ‘what is the set routine for the Regional Level 1’ and as complex as ‘then what should you do with your arms at take-off?’ (For which Jack Kelly’s ‘Back to Basics‘ articles are key reading). Basically it is about trampolining in general and not specific to our club.
There are, therefore, four main aspects of this sub-site being:
- Information about routines, scoring & judging;
- Articles on technique, training and mechanics;
- Material about safety, health issues and other related to trampolining; and
- Items of general interest such as the many versions of history to be found and other ‘useful’ facts.
The navigation buttons above should help you find your way around.
Some of the information contained in here is copyright and acknowledged as such where used. In most cases permission has been sought for its duplication on this website, in others it is assumed to be permissible on the basis that it was originally placed in the public domain and that this is a non-commercial site offering a public service.